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PhD supervisor
Master Supervisor
Associate Professor
Master Supervisor
Zhang WenFang
Date:2018-06-13  View:


Name:  Zhang Wenfang                      
Title: Associate Professor, Master Supervisor
ADDRESS:School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, P. R. China
【Research Field & Interest】
1. Performance appraisal
2. Strategic cost management
3. Constraint accounting
【Educational Background】按时间先后顺序
1. 1985.09-1989.07 Industrial accounting major(bachelor degree), Jiangsu university of science and technology
2. 1993.09-1997.07 Accounting major(master degree), Xiamen university
【Teaching courses】
1. Management accounting
2. Advanced management accounting
3. Management accounting theory and practice
4. Financial management
【Main published Paper】
1.Wenfang Zhang, Limei Wu, Xiaoyan Cui. Determination of Default Points of Listed Companies Based on KMV Model. Statistics and Decision,2010,14
2. Wenfang Zhang, Shan Zhang, Xinyan Zhou. Research on Enterprise Investment Behavior under Soft Budget Constraints. Statistics and Decision, 2010, 23
3. Wenfang Zhang  Boyu Shang  Shan Zhang. Research on Transaction Costs of Supply Chain Nodes Based on Signal Game. Communication of Finance and Accounting,2012.9
4. Wenfang Zhang, Limei Wu, Wenwei Gong. Research on income distribution of integrated supply chain based on information sharing. Statistics and Decision, 2011, 11
5.Wenfang Zhang, Buqian Yu.  System Time Threshold Setting of System Bottleneck Based on Constraint Theory. Logistics Engineering and Management, 2017.3
【Research Project】
1. Empirical Study on Financial Risk Early Warning of Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province .   The 11th Five-Year Plan for Education Science . No.2. October 2010  
2. Study on the Combination Path of Public Capital and Private Capital in the Cultivation of Emerging Industries in Jiangsu Province (BR2012026) .   Provincial Soft Science. No.3.  December 2012
3. Research on the coordination mechanism of reverse supply chain under incomplete information (Project No.: 10YJA630043) . Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education. No.4. December 2012
【Honors and Awards】
1. Local State-owned Enterprise Reform Promotion Research. First Prize of China Business Federation Science and Technology Award National Business Technology Progress Award. No.8. 2011.1
【Academic Activities】
1.  non-practicing members of CICPA

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